Why is it essential to use additives for poultry, especially water soluble ones?

If some poultry farmers think that their feed is qualitative, they might also assume that it’s unnecessary to add anything to their drinking water. Simply for the thought that feed alone contains enough vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, it’s common to see farmers with this kind of thought in the field with the addition of their own claimed expertise.

As listed below the controversy of supplementing only feed is far from scientific facts.

  1. Specific diseases in Poultry might require special feed. For example, avian under heavy heat stress should be given electrolytes. After the issue is solved, they no longer require it. Therefore, constant supply of electrolytes isn’t coherent with natures facts. There are many other examples.
  2. The usage of a liquid supplement and its discontinuity in poultry diets is easy and cost effective. Without knowing what issue will arise at any time, constantly producing the feed containing the materials to be used against the issue from the feed factory, and not knowing what to do with the left over feed is a dilemma on its own and very uneconomical. For example, in the case of respiratory tract discomfort, using a water soluble supplement until the issue is solved is a much more practical and economical solution.
  3. Poultry under stress and various other reasons, can reduce or stop feed intake completely. Under these circumstances, the nutrient content of feed will not be important. However, stress doesn’t affect water intake. Thus water soluble supplements are vital and carry an important role as a cure and resolving problems.
  4. New chicks are nourished only from eggs as nutrients. Although it seems like they are eating food, but actually they are only playing with it and not eating it. However, they do drink water.



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