High-fiber complementary feed recommended for digestive system disorders such as intestinal absorptions disorders, stomach ulcers, diarrhea and colic.
Purpose of use:
Composition: (per kg) Plant cell wall fiber: 51,07%, Inulin: 7,3%, Methionine: 12.500 mg, Magnesium (as Magnesium sulphate):600 mg, Lecithin powder, Vitamins: Vitamin B1: 1.200 mg, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B9 (Folic acid), Vitamin B12, Sacc. Cervicea: 2,6x1013CFU and other nutritionals. Please refer to the label for complete composition.
Feeding Instructions:
Indicated dosage should be used as an additive with feed or water.
Royal Horse Digesacc does not contain any kind of forbidden substance for horse races.