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Product Name : Opticell
Product group : Dairy Cattle, Beef Cattle, Sheep-lambs and goats
Problem : Bloat,
Brand : Royal İlaç
Tamamlayıcı tamamlayıcı Complementary food containing live yeast ’’
Opticell contains a metabolically active, natural and specially selected live yeast (Saccharomycescerevisiae) to enhance rumen functions. It is known that Sacchoromycesscerevisiae, which has been used in dairy cows and fattening cattle for many years, provides the desired growth in beneficial microorganisms in the rumen and increases milk yield, milk fat and protein even under stress conditions.
Purpose of usage:
Opticell is used to improve rumen function, increase the effectiveness of rumendellulolytic bacteria, maximize feed utilization and reduce the risk of acidosis. Opticell can also be used by joining farm-level feed mixers.
Benefits of Opticell Ruminants:
It activates the digestion of cellulose by increasing dry matter intake in fattening animals.
It regulates rumen pH in fattening and dairy animals.
Prevents bloating problems.
Acidosis minimizes subclinic acididosis problems.
Prevents the occurrence of foot diseases.
It is effective in decreasing ketosis problems in dairy cows, improving positive energy balance, anger, reproduction and decreasing breast diseases.
Increases milk production and quality (milk fat, protein).
Provides early development of rumen in young animals.
Strengthens the immune system.
Balances intestinal microflora.
Increases live weight gain in fattening animals.
Ingredients: 1x1012 Live Yeast (S. Cerevisiae) cfu / kg Filling Material: Razmol
Usage and Dosage:
Livestock: 50 gr / day
In dairy cows: 50 gr / day
For calves: 10 g / day
Fattening Plows: 5 gr / day
For lambs: 2 gr / day.
It is recommended to add 0.5 kg Opticell to 100 kg if the indicated doses are to be added to the food.
Royal İlaç
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